Why should you try dancing?

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Dances are one of the popular types of cardio today. They require a person's flexibility, a sense of balance and good coordination of movements, maximum composure, the ability to let go of the body literally for a fraction of a second.

Modern sports clubs offer a wide selection of dance classes, but before you engage in any specific dance, you need to understand what awaits you and whether there are any contraindications for you to engage in this or that type of dance.

What to start with?

Dance classes are quite pleasant physical activity. Dances are divided by difficulty: for beginners and advanced dancers.

At the first stage, an easy option is offered to those who want to understand whether this particular dance direction will satisfy your goal, whether the style and load that the dance carries are suitable for you, or maybe you want and can do more. It is for this kind of familiarization that special preparatory groups are created.

A popular list of dances today is:

-strip plastic;

-belly dance;

-Latin American (salsa, bachata, mamba, kizomba);

-classical dances (rumba, cha-cha-cha, jive, samba);


-jazz funk;



And also, the dance directions include dance step (step choreography, or step dance) and dance aerobics.

dancing aerobics

Dancing has a beneficial effect on the human body, just like any other physical activity. Research by scientists provides a number of facts about their benefits:

1. Muscular effort and breathing rate of dancers, during competitions, are compared to the parameters of swimmers, cyclists and runners of the Olympic level, performing at a distance of 800 m.

2. Dancing is a good prevention of arthritis, as during dancing, the joints are better lubricated.

3. Depending on the intensity of training, 5 to 10 kcal are burned in one minute of dancing. Rhythmic dancing burns more calories than a slow waltz.

4. As a result of dance movements, the level of "good" cholesterol in the blood increases and the amount of "bad" decreases. Also, dancing will benefit diabetics, as movements help control blood sugar.

5. Dancing classes improve memory, make you remember complex steps, and whole ligaments are moved. Loading does not let the brain get bored: mental abilities develop and extra centimeters go away at the same time. This makes it possible to maintain a quick reaction and stay young, flexible, healthy.

6. Dancing strengthens stabilizing muscles and protects against injuries in everyday life. In addition, this type of physical activity improves coordination and reflexes — it's a great way to keep the central and peripheral nervous systems in good shape.

7. Elderly people who attend dance classes are in three times better physical shape than those who follow a standard health care program for pensioners.

57 participants at the age of 65 were recruited to study the effect of dancing on the health of the elderly. They were divided into two groups. One group studied the dance program (salsa, bachata, merenga, etc.) for 4 months twice a week (temporary classes). The participants of the second group underwent a standard physical activity program for pensioners. At the end of the experiment, testing was conducted, which showed that the physical condition of the dance group was much better than the physical condition of their opponents.

8. Dances are an effective remedy for anxiety and depression.

An analysis of 27 studies on dances showed that they can be prescribed to people suffering from depression and excessive anxiety.

9. Tango classes can be equated to meditation, and this is proven by one of the studies that compared the physical and psychological state of volunteers engaged in meditation and those engaged in tango. As a result, it turned out that both types of activity help to fight depression, but at the same time tango also reduces the level of stress.


At the same time, dances reveal the physical capabilities of the body, they also show the beauty and harmony of movement, teach to be graceful, feel your body, accept and love it.

On the Wispence platform, we offer subscribers two dance directions - dance aerobics with Elina Fedorova and dance fitness with Monroe Cline, a professional dancer from Los Angeles. The courses allow you to develop flexibility and balance, improve the cardiovascular system, so you will receive a comprehensive load that will help you feel flexible and energetic, even if you did not consider yourself to be so before.

Dancing is real therapy! Even if you go to class in a terrible mood, with every sound of music, the negative will disappear and after just 10 minutes there will be no trace of despondency and stress. Latina is light flirting (cha-cha-cha and jive), passion (samba) and tenderness (rumba). Jazz funk is an explosion of positive emotions and light foolishness. Contemporary is almost a theatrical performance that allows you to express all emotions, from joyful to negative, with movements. Strip plastic - helps to relax, relieves complexes, teaches sensuality and sexuality. Dances do not just reveal the physical capabilities of the body, they show the beauty and harmony of movements. They teach you to be graceful, to feel your body, to accept and love it.

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