Why you shouldn't work out what you ate


Many people are used to thinking that long workouts in the gym help burn more calories, which means that pizza and cake can be worked off and there will be no harm. It sounds logical: eating food adds calories, and exercising expends calories. But in fact, working off what you've eaten during a workout can be ineffective and dangerous, moreover, such a scheme leads to an eating disorder. Let's figure out why this is so.

If you eat before a workout, your body will be busy digesting food, not training. This can lead to discomfort such as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. If you eat after a workout, your body will be busy recovering and will not receive enough calories to replace those that were expended during workout.

Physical activity increases your energy expenditure, but it does not lead to weight loss as the main reason for losing weight is a change in eating habits.

First of all,  it is important to determine the reasons why you eat more calories than you need. These reasons may include stress, emotional hunger, lack of control while eating, when your thoughts are focused on something else, for example, you continue to search for a solution to a work task, make plans, deal with  personal relationships ... and you miss how many sandwiches you have already swallowed. And when you come to your senses, you realize that you have exceeded and decide to "work off" the calories in the gym. You think this is a normal solution, but in fact it is an "excuse" from the real problem of your eating behavior. In addition, our body has a physical activity limit that helps burn more energy per day. Going beyond this level, the body begins to save. So, if you burn more calories during your workout, your body will begin to reduce expenses on other tasks such as metabolism. And this is the first thing where 2/3 of all energy should be directed to.


That's why it's so important to learn not to overeat and overload your body with extra calories, and to develop a proper nutrition strategy that includes the right amount of calories and nutrients for you. For the transition to conscious and proper nutrition use the Wispence system with calories control and healthy recipes.

Uncontrolled physical loads can be dangerous and traumatic

Regular physical activity is undoubtedly beneficial, maintains human health and even prolongs life. However, “workouts” due to overeating are situational, do not have the same periodization as regular training, and thus expose your body to the risk of not coping with a sudden load.

Since the body has its own limits on physical activity, going beyond its norm, the body can’t keep up with the demand - it does not have time to adapt and sends signals in the form of fever, nausea, dizziness, as well as the possibility of injuries to organs and muscles. Therefore, professional sports always include a training plan in which intense workouts alternate with light activity for recovery.

Treat your body with love and care, pay attention to what you eat and how much, find a suitable schedule for training or other physical activity, and always listen to your body's signals.  So if you feel like you need help, visit a psychologist and nutritionist for advice on your specific case.

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