How many calories do you spend with pleasure?

Burning extra calories without burdening yourself with training is the dream of many. Luckily, it's not that far from reality. It is really possible to get rid of calories without going to the gym, and it is quite simple to do. After all, physical activity is not only going to the gym or running; it is something that works out muscles and allows you to burn more calories than in a state of rest. Physical activity is helpful when it gets your heart rate up.
Your physical activity increases even if you simply:
-work standing;
-doing exercises during commercial breaks while watching TV;
-vacuum carpet or furniture;
-wash the floor;
-wash windows;
-hang curtains...
And here are how many calories you can burn through your favorite activities and ordinary household chores:
-walking the dog - 238 calories per hour;
-cleaning (sweep the floor, wash the floor, vacuum) - 224-258 calories per hour;
-general cleaning with window cleaning or garage clearing - 238 calories per hour;
-work in the garden or in the garden - 272 calories per hour;
-chopping wood - 428 calories per hour;
-snow removal - 408 calories per hour.
In fact, the human body spends a supply of calories constantly, for example, a person’s nighttime sleep takes 65 calories per hour, that is, a person can burn 455 calories in 7 hours of sleep.
Getting ready in the morning will takes about 70 calories. On average, breakfast and commuting to work burn approximately 30 and 60 calories. 1000 calories are burned per day of work (this is if this work is not passive and you sometimes have to get up). It takes 60 calories to get home from work. For homework per hour - 90 calories. If a person decides to take a walk in the evening, he or she can burn up to 140 calories per hour. Thus, the average working person burns an average of 2130 calories in one day of his life.
The main thing is that there should be no "under expenditure" of the energy of the food consumed by a person, otherwise it will eventually turn into extra pounds.
Walking, hiking
If a person is used to walking long distances on foot, then he no longer experiences fatigue or additional stress. Through special types of walking, you can lose extra pounds, because calories are also spent in the process of walking.
Simple walks in the park or shopping center for the purpose of shopping can bring only emotional pleasure, but to lose a few extra pounds, you need to walk in a special way.
With a calm walk for two hours, you can lose up to 50 kilocalories, while additionally bringing your muscles into tone and raising your spirits, as well as enriching your blood with oxygen.
After a week of hiking, you can spend up to 1100 kilocalories. Much more calories can be burned if you walk on the landing. The energy expenditure spent while climbing stairs depends on the person's body weight, duration and speed of movement. If you walk for an hour at an average pace, then during the descent, from 200 to 400 kcal is spent, and the ascent takes an average of 300–500 kcal.
Thanks to hiking, in addition to pumped up and slender legs, as well as a toned figure, you can improve your health. Walking every day for an hour improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizes the heart rhythm, restores and improves respiratory function. You just need to remember to maintain water balance. Walking, like any other type of physical activity, causes fluid loss in the body, so you need to take a bottle of water with you and drink a glass after walking.

Riding a bicycle
It has long been known that a bicycle can bring not only pleasure, but also great benefit. Regular trips in this type of transport help to actively burn calories and strengthen the muscles of the back and legs. In addition, such training always takes place in the open air, which also has a very beneficial effect on the body.
The benefits of such physical exertion are as follows:
-the bicycle promotes intensive burning of calories;
-trains almost all our muscles;
-eliminates the manifestations of cellulite and fatty deposits, especially in the waist and hips;
-promotes proper breathing training;
-normalizes metabolic processes;
-improves coordination and work of the cardiovascular system.
It is difficult to say how many calories are spent while riding a bicycle, since it largely depends on various factors:
-training duration;
-terrain relief;
-road surface quality;
-model and weight of the vehicle;
-driving speed;
-tire pressure.
For example, a person weighing about 70 kg can burn about 280 Kcal during 60 minutes of training on a road-type vehicle on a relatively flat area, and for a temporary cycling trip on a mountain bike on a hilly area, he can spend approximately 420 Kcal. Riding with elements of sports training allows you to burn up to 570 kcal in 60 minutes.
Road bicycle races force their participants to expend at least 700 Kcal of energy per hour. Mountain bike competitions require a lot of strength, athletes participating in them spend 1100-1200 Kcal per hour.
If you want to use a bicycle for weight loss, you should not immediately squeeze all the juices out of yourself. Therefore, when starting training, start with small trips lasting about 15 minutes at a leisurely pace and on fairly flat terrain. In this case, you can spend at least 80 kcal, but remember that the best results await you ahead.
After a couple of weeks, with enough practice, you will be able to increase the duration of your trips to half an hour. The intensity of pedal rotation can be increased. Working out at this pace, you will lose 130-150 kcal at a time. After some time, bicycle trips can already be 1 or 2 hours.
Those who are just starting to master a bicycle should ride no more than 20 minutes a day. Too long walks can lead to an "overtrained" form, as a result of which protein in the muscles is burned, not subcutaneous fat. Taking a rest break from time to time, you can not only restore your strength, but also really enjoy the process of riding your two-wheeled vehicle.
To feel comfortable while riding a bicycle, you should not overeat, and also do not sit behind the wheel with an empty stomach. It is recommended to eat 1-2 hours before training. A great charge of vigor and energy of the cyclist will be provided if the food is protein-carbohydrate.
Roller skating
One of the simplest, most effective and safe ways to burn calories is rollerblading. It seems incredible, but it turns out that rollerblading burns calories even faster than running.
In this simple way, you can not only lose weight, but also improve the condition of blood vessels and increase endurance. What is the effectiveness of rollerblading for weight loss? Fat burning occurs due to rocking the buttocks and hips in different directions and increasing the number of heart beats. To burn calories effectively, you need to be in motion all the time.

In the process of riding roller skates, the muscles of the lower half of the body are mainly used. To load the legs optimally, the first 1-2 minutes should be driven in an almost vertical position, and the next 30 minutes – in an inclined position. A good amount of load is placed on the abs, back and arm muscles while riding. Active hand movements must be used to ensure balance and protect against injury as a result of a fall. Energetically swinging your arms in time with your legs, you can burn even more calories. Performing such swings, you can put a load on the shoulder muscles. Corset muscles are responsible for maintaining balance while riding. This group includes oblique abdominal muscles, abdominal muscles and lower back. Leaning, the roller transfers the main load to the muscles of the lower body, thereby strengthening them.
How many calories can you burn while driving? According to statistics, a roller with a weight of 70 kilograms, driven at an average intensity during a 20-minute workout, can burn about 147 Kcal. During three months of such skating, it is quite possible to lose up to 9 kg of weight. Before starting training, you need to decide how many kilograms you need to lose. The main thing to remember: to reduce weight by 1 kg, you need to burn 7000 kcal. For example, there is a desire to lose weight by 8 kg within 2 months. This means that every week it is necessary to lose 1 kg, for which it is necessary to spend 1000 kcal every day. The number of calories burned is directly determined by the weight and speed of skating. In 1 hour of driving, a roller weighing 70 kg spends approximately 450 kcal. It turns out that in order to spend 1000 kcal per day, you need to ride for a little more than 2 hours.
While rollerblading, you can get a unique opportunity to lose excess weight, which is sometimes not so easy to get rid of, without any diets or grueling physical exertion.
Specialists do not stop talking about how pleasant and useful swimming is for the body. When engaged in water sports, breathing becomes deeper, blood circulation and metabolism are stimulated, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, and the figure becomes slimmer every day, because all muscle groups work. The effect of "hypergravity" achieved in water allows you to perform exercises of any degree of complexity without fear that a large load will damage the musculoskeletal system. It is in the water that you can gradually "accustom" your muscles to work and develop parts that have been "idling" for a long time. Even pensioners and disabled people can fight excess weight with the help of swimming.
Swimming is the only exercise that gives the body a double benefit, allowing not only to burn calories and get in shape, but also to get a hydromassage session.
And if the water in the pool is enriched with salts and trace elements, having a composition close to sea water, then the skin will be able to feel the benefits. The dermis will become more elastic and elastic, the manifestations of cellulite will decrease, its tone will increase, and it will look healthy and beautiful.
How many calories are burned when swimming in the pool? For example, swimming at a slow pace for 60 minutes. with an average speed of 0.4 km/h, a person spends about 220 kcal. Energy consumption can be increased to 470-500 kcal if you develop a speed of 2.5 km/h. The crawl and butterfly are considered the most effective types of swimming: they allow you to lose a lot of calories - up to 610 kcal and more.
The effect of such training far exceeds the effectiveness of working in the gym. More energy is spent, which means you can get in shape much faster, tighten your abs, straighten your spine, and reduce adipose tissue on your arms, legs, and other parts of your body.
During aqua aerobics classes, 400 to 600 kcal are burned, depending on weight. Many women note that during such training exercises are given to them easily and freely, but when they leave the water, they feel as if weights have been tied to their arms and legs. This means that the body has not worked in vain. The first thing that experts advise everyone who starts training, and no matter where, in the pool or the gym, do not try to load your body as much as possible, do it little by little, get used to training gradually.
Breathe deeply and evenly in the water and never miss classes, visit the pool 2-3 times in 7 days.
If you want to get rid of fat deposits on the sides, when swimming, lie on your back more often, and if you want to strengthen the spine and abdomen, give preference to the butterfly. Try not to eat before and after training, review your diet and then the weight will start to slowly go away.
Not everyone likes to sweat in the gym with heavy weights or stomp through a crowded group workout.
Dancing is a completely different matter. Pleasure for the soul and body, getting rid of extra centimeters on the waist. This is a universal cardio workout and one of our natural ones since the time of the caveman, when our ancestors danced around the fire to appease the gods, prepare for battle or show themselves in all their glory during marriage games. We have a sense of rhythm at the genetic level, so we dance to the beat completely unconsciously if music is playing nearby.
There are no restrictions on age and weight, whether you are four, twenty or all ninety years old. You simply change the load depending on your skills and physical condition. Dance for pleasure, express emotions, contact the world around you through music and movements. You specialize, escape from stress, create and lose weight, in the end!
It only seems that the load is not enough to seriously lose weight. In fact, this activity corresponds to the fat-burning cardio zone (60-80% of your maximum heart rate), so you really dance and lose weight. Another plus is that the whole body works during training. That is why dancers have such beautiful and strong bodies with proportionally developed muscles (there are practically no distortions). Other benefits: improves coordination, increases flexibility and self-confidence, strengthens bones, prevents osteoporosis, has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, develops a sense of balance and a sense of self in space.
You need to know that each type of this activity has its own intensity, and the numbers for each workout will be different.
- Zumba: 350 to 650 kcal.
- Folk dances (depending on intensity): slow tempo - from 250 to 330 kcal, fast tempo - from 310 to 420 kcal.
Pole dancing (pole dance): from 250 to 350 kcal.
- Break-dance: about 400 to 650 kcal.
- Tap dance: from 200 to 700 kcal, depending on the intensity and number of steps.
Belly dancing: 270 to 320 kcal.
-Ballet: about 380 to 450 kcal.
- Hip-hop: from 370 to 610 kcal.
- Salsa: about 405 to 480 kcal.
-Swing: from 300 to 550 kcal.
- Samba: up to 400 kcal.
- Jive: 300 kcal to 400 kcal.
- Cha-cha: up to 440 kcal.
-Jazz: 334 to 534 kcal.
-Tango: about 240 kcal.
- Flamenco: from 225 to 350 kcal.
-Ballroom dance competitions: up to 755 kcal.
And how many calories can be burned in a nightclub? Research conducted at Harvard Medical School will help us in this.
If your weight is about 57 kg, you burn about 5.5 kcal in one minute of medium-intensity dancing. 330 kcal per hour. If you weigh 70 kg, 410 kcal (almost 7 kcal per minute) will be spent during this time, and if you weigh 84 kg, the amount of energy burned will be 488 kcal (about 8 kcal per minute).
In addition, dances work perfectly as art therapy. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to express his emotions and feelings in words, say it out loud, tell someone else. Therefore, the story is told through movements and music. At this moment, the dancer relives the situation and lets it go, the clamps leave the body, it becomes easier to breathe. They teach you to listen to yourself and your body, as well as to feel the other person when it comes to couple dancing or contact improvisation. He leaves when he leads, without resistance, even if in life you are used to commanding, feeling direction and working in a team. This is excellent social training.
The look becomes more confident, the posture improves and the facial expression changes - all this has a positive effect on self-esteem. You stop feeling invisible, and the opinion of others will worry you less and less. You become free and liberated. You begin to set the rhythm of your life without outside help.
As we can see, it is not so difficult to overcome hypodynamia, you just need to choose the type of physical activity to your taste. It doesn't matter if it's a garden or sex, the main thing is that your heart beats faster and that this activity is regular and as useful as possible for the body! Be always active, cheerful and healthy!