Top 3 tips for summer season

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Summer is a great time of the year! Nature itself motivates us not to sit still, spend more time outdoors, stock up on vitamin D, and include much more vegetables and fruits in the diet. At the same time, this is an ideal period to take care of your appearance: the condition of your skin and hair, your figure, and in no case give up sports, despite the carelessness of holidays and vacations. We have prepared top-3 tips for summer.

1. Take good care of your face and body in summer

To protect the skin from photoaging and have a healthy complexion, you need to take the right skin care measures. First of all, you need to pay attention to your diet in the summer season. The most important substances that help the skin to be healthy are vitamins A, E, C, as well as zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and selenium. Products containing these elements must be included in the daily summer diet.

Sources rich in vitamin A, which is responsible for the natural restoration of the skin, are liver, chili peppers, carrots, apricots, white cabbage, spinach and melon. Vitamin E, which can reduce the harmful effects of sunlight, is found in seeds, sunflower oil, almonds, peaches, tomatoes, asparagus and avocados. Broccoli, turnips, white cabbage, cherries, paprika - a storehouse of vitamin C, which reduces the amount of free radicals caused by excess sun. Zinc is found in oysters, ginger, eggs, wheat and controls oily skin. Omega-3 fatty acids are responsible for the restoration, hydration and elasticity of the skin. They are found in salmon, sunflower and olive oils. Selenium, which reduces the risk of skin cancer by protecting it from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays, is found in wheat, salmon, tuna, garlic, eggs, brown rice, and wholemeal bread.

Ultraviolet penetrates the skin both on the beach and in the metropolis. While walking in the park on a sunny day, you may not get burned, but another dose of UV rays, aggressive in the summer, can accelerate the appearance of age spots and wrinkles on your face. Therefore, you should make sure that the SPF components are part of your day cream, which you use in the morning. You need to apply such a cream 20-30 minutes before going outside.

The best ingredients for moisturizing the skin in summer are aloe vera extract, hyaluronic acid, panthenol, algae extract, lactic acid. It is important that the hyaluronic acid be low molecular weight, otherwise you will get a product with huge molecules of the active ingredient that will not penetrate the skin and create a blocking film on its surface. Such an effect in the summer does not make sense, and oily skin is contraindicated.

For dry skin, a nourishing cream with oils is suitable, but with a lighter texture than winter. Moisturizing gels and mattifying wipes for the face are good to use in the summer for oily and combination skin. In the hot season, do not forget to also drink water - if you do not observe the water balance, no creams will help you.

In summer, as well as in winter, it is important to remove dead skin particles about once a week, but at the same time use more gentle peels: blue retinol, bakuchiol, rosehip oil, and from synthetic ones - copper peptide or matrixyl. All of them are devoid of phototoxicity, they can be safely used in sunny time. Vegetable analogues additionally nourish the skin with vitamins, and chemical analogues will enhance tissue regeneration and collagen synthesis.

Also, in the summer, it is better to abandon aggressive salon procedures: chemical peels of medium and deep penetration, laser hair removal of the upper lip, skin resurfacing, tattoo removal in open places. Reapply later when UV activity has subsided.

The delicate skin of the lips is vulnerable at any time of the year. If in the cold it was dried to cracks by dry frosty air, then in summer it is pestered by a dusty wind and sun. For the summer, it is worth choosing a lip mask with sun protection properties. Usually in its composition there are berry and fruit extracts and oils, which not only intensively nourish, but also work as antioxidants and smell very tasty.


Take care of your skin while traveling

Climate change, prolonged exposure to the sun, chlorinated water in pools have a detrimental effect on the skin. Take your sun protection with you on your trip. Do not forget to put a hat, protective cream, and dark glasses in your suitcase. If you plan on hiking, rock climbing, surfing, consider light clothing with long sleeves. Consider skin care products. Remember that in summer, with dry skin, it is better to use creamy products that cleanse and moisturize, and for oily skin - water-based. Take some aloe vera gel with you. The remedy containing this plant helps relieve inflammation, heals sunburn, successfully treats acne, insect bites, eliminates rashes and irritation. Cut down on coffee and alcohol intake. These drinks impair the quality of sleep, which interferes with proper rest.

The climate is different everywhere, the weather conditions are the same, which means that the needs of the skin will be different. Therefore, special products must be added to the basic products for cleaning, moisturizing and make-up removal.


A feature of the Scandinavian climate is the winds that blow regardless of the season. Therefore, it is good to stock up on means that will protect the skin from wind and cold. Suitable cold creams that protect, moisturize and restore. An important rule of care is the layering of products: for those who have dry, dehydrated skin, you can combine several moisturizing products at once: lotion, serum with hyaluronic acid and a cream that retains moisture in the skin. At night, you can apply nourishing masks.


The sun deprives the skin of moisture, so even in a very humid tropical climate, you can not do without moisturizers. Obviously, you will need serious sun protection of at least 50 spf, which will also support the skin's defenses and moisturize them. It is good to have a product marked after sun in stock - it will restore after sunbathing, help to keep the tan longer, get saturated with moisture and cool. Those who, even in the tropics, do not intend to compromise with their appearance, need paper blotter blockers. They can wet the face if necessary. Those who consider foundation as their desert island beauty product cannot do without a special makeup fixing spray. Then the tone will last all day without correction for humidity and heat. However, you should be aware that after a change in climate, the face often "floats" - and you will need products with a lifting effect or a small course of massages.


The climate here is mild but sunny, so the priority is given to products that protect the face, body and hair from the sun, as well as those that can protect against the effects of salt and chlorinated water. After sun products will come in handy - they pleasantly cool, keep the tan and perfectly replace the usual body care.


2. Pay attention to hair care

Direct sunlight does not affect the condition of the hair in the best way. Human hair consists not only of keratin and lipids, about 15% of the chemical composition is occupied by water, which evaporates very quickly under the influence of ultraviolet rays. As a result, the hair becomes dry and brittle, to lose color. This is the reason why in the summer it is so necessary not only to moisturize the hair, but to protect and nourish it.

In the heat, the hair gets dirty faster due to the hot air and dust that settles on them. Also, under the influence of the sun, the sebaceous glands work more intensively, the hair becomes oily at the roots faster, which is why they have to be washed a little more often than usual. To wash your hair, it is recommended to use a mild shampoo containing moisturizing and antioxidant components - hyaluronic acid, collagen, keratin, aloe vera extract, grape seed, green tea, witch hazel or eucalyptus, linoleic acid, chitosan, panthenol, vegetable glycerin, silk proteins, polyphenols, catechism.

Also, extracts of medicinal plants and vitamins should be present in the shampoo for summer hair care: extract of chamomile, rosemary, sage, fern, vitamins A, B, C, E. It will be good to use a natural shampoo with the simplest possible composition.

For the purpose of deep hydration, you can use moisturizing masks, serums and fluids. These products must be applied according to the type of scalp or based on the condition of the hair.

In summer, hair must be protected from direct sunlight, using products with a sunscreen filter of 5-15 SPF. It can be a lotion, spray, leave-in spray mask, conditioner, balm. They "smooth" the hair, penetrate into the structure, soften, simplify the process of combing, and partially perform a protective function.

Sprays and lotions, as well as a protective cream on the face, are applied before going out into the sun. Desirable components of such agents are water, keratin, urea, glycerin, sodium benzoate, laurel lysine, and tribute citrate. Hair ends can be coated with natural oil, jojoba, shea, organ, almond, coconut oils are suitable

Hair care in the summer does not require much effort, you just need:

- closely monitor their condition:

- wash your hair with slightly warm water and do not rub the hair itself;

- do not apply shampoo to the ends - they dry out in the summer already;

- do not go out into the sun with wet hair (they can burn out during the drying process);

-be sure to wear a hat made of natural, breathable material (especially from 11 am to 4 pm, when the sun is very "hot");

- refuse to use irons, curling irons;

- if possible, refuse staining procedures;

- apply special protective agents to dyed hair;

- observe the drinking regimen.

3. Choose and wear sunglasses correctly

Sunglasses are a popular accessory that serves not only as an image element, but also helps protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. This accessory has a number of undeniable advantages. Sunglasses prevent negative solar radiation harmful to the eyes. In addition to ultraviolet light, bright light also causes discomfort and headaches. In this case, the benefits of sunglasses are undeniable. The accessory relieves eye strain and allows you to comfortably be in the bright sun.

It should be remembered that the main cause of age-related visual impairment is corneal clouding. Thin blood vessels appear between the retina and the funds of the eye, contributing to clouding, and frequent and intense exposure to ultraviolet rays exacerbates it. This leads to the development of cataracts and increases the risk of blindness tenfold. Moreover, only in 10% of cases, vision loss occurs within 6 months, in all the rest it develops over the years. Therefore, wearing sunglasses significantly reduces the risk of eye disease. In addition, large doses of vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, zinc and copper prevent the development of blindness.

Sunglasses for children are even more important than for adults, because the body builds its own protective mechanism only by the age of 20, and before that time the body is very susceptible to external influences. So, in children under 10 years old, 3/4 of ultraviolet radiation freely enters the retina, and in babies it is even more.

Sunglasses also protect the sensitive skin around the eyes, reduce the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the upper layer of the epidermis, so that the eyes are not irritated, and the risk of premature wrinkles is reduced. Glasses also act as a means of additional safety for the eyes, protecting from small particles of debris and dust, creating a physical barrier. Can sunglasses be harmful?

Spectacle lenses have a special protective coating with varying degrees of shading. But on sale you can often find sunglasses that have only tinted lenses without UV filters. The use of this product is highly discouraged. Darkened lenses cause the pupils to dilate, and more radiation enters the eyes. Due to the fact that there is no UV protection, wearing such products is very harmful.

Also, sunglasses with a decorative color of the lenses are harmful to the eyes. Lenses with some bright shades, such as red or blue, have a negative effect on prolonged wear - eye fatigue occurs and the risk of irritation of the nervous system increases significantly.

Even products with protection and the correct color of lenses can be harmful to health, provided that a person wears them without removing them, even indoors. Such use of an accessory is fraught with the following consequences:

-development of photophobia - the eyes get used to protection, without it, you will experience discomfort;

-increased fatigue and migraines - causes wearing glasses in a dark room;

-visual impairment - sunglasses with poor quality lenses adversely affect vision.

To protect yourself from negative consequences, you should choose the right sunglasses. There are three main criteria for choosing glasses:

  • Lens color. The more correctly you can choose the color of the lenses, the more comfortable and safer you will feel in the accessory. The most useful are gray, brown, green and black lenses. But it should be remembered that at dusk or during bad weather it is worth wearing orange or yellow lenses. They improve visibility, thereby removing unnecessary strain from the eyes.

  • Protective coatings. No need to buy darker glasses. A special protective coating is responsible for UV protection. Preference should be given to models of glasses that have a coating with a UV380 index. Lenses are considered to be of the highest quality, the filters of which stand out with the highest level of protection against UV radiation - UV400.

  • The degree of dimming. Sunglasses have 5 degrees of dimming:

0 - for wearing the accessory in cloudy weather or indoors;

1 - for low brightness of sunlight (usually in spring or autumn);

2 - universal, suitable for daily wear in the city in sunny weather;

3 - will best protect your eyes when relaxing on the beach under the scorching sun;

4 - such products are most relevant for wearing near water or snow, when the sun's glare only enhances the brightness.

Enjoy the summer and keep taking care of yourself and your health. Remember to exercise moderately, eat right, and drink enough water to feel good. And together with Wispence, it will be much easier for you to organize your healthy lifestyle.

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