Iodine deficiency and its impact on human IQ


The importance of iodine for the normal functioning of the human body

The benefits of iodine for the human body have long been known to everyone. This chemical element and halogen is necessary for normal life, participates in the formation of thyroid hormones, which are responsible for metabolic processes and the formation of heat. Iodine is actively involved in human growth and development.

Without iodine, the thyroid gland, which produces thyroid hormones, cannot function, and hormones, in turn, are the potential of a person. They provide an intellectual and emotional state, mood, physical performance, growth and development of the body, as well as the condition of the skin, bones, women's menstrual cycle, and the cardiovascular system.

In addition, iodine has many more functions, one of which is protection against oncology. The Japanese, who consume 5 times more iodine than those living in countries far from the oceans, have the lowest incidence of cancer of the mammary glands and organs of the reproductive system, the longest life expectancy on Earth, and the level of IQ is higher. This is the value of the normal amount of iodine in the body.

Iodine brings benefits subject to the daily norm, because this chemical element enters the body only from the outside. These are some food products, iodine-containing vitamins or medications.

But, despite the availability of information about world studies of iodine deficiency problems, the calls of doctors about the need to constantly monitor the state of the thyroid gland, eat properly and balanced, the problem of iodine deficiency in the modern world has not been fully resolved.

According to research by the World Health Organization, among the 38 most common non-communicable diseases in the world, the third place is occupied by pathologies associated with iodine deficiency. Approximately one third of the world's population is prone to iodine deficiency diseases. Europeans are particularly affected by this problem. The situation is slightly better in the Americas.

Since iodine deficiency entails a number of diseases and, as proven, directly affects the level of a person's IQ, which in turn affects the development of society as a whole and the quality of life of each person, let's look at this problem in more detail and do it for ourselves conclusion - how you can overcome iodine deficiency in your body and help yourself and others.

Who is at risk?

First of all, newborns are at risk. Especially those born to mothers with thyroid problems. Also at risk are children under 12 years of age. Careful in matters of iodine deficiency should be women planning pregnancy, pregnant and breastfeeding. Even before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary that the level of thyroid hormones in the blood be ideal - that is, within the normal range. This is the key to a successful pregnancy and its normal course. A woman should check her iodine status, control the situation with the thyroid gland not at the beginning of pregnancy, but at the beginning of planning.

Of course, heredity should also be taken into account. In 50% of thyroid diseases, the family factor is extremely important.

If there are signs of iodine deficiency in one of the family members, does this mean that the whole family does not consume enough iodine?

Not necessary. This is mainly manifested in the female line - grandmother, daughter, granddaughter, and a tendency to thyroid diseases, malfunctions in the immune system and the development of the goiter itself is transmitted. But it is desirable for every member of such a family to monitor the condition of the thyroid gland and be regularly examined by an endocrinologist.

The effect of iodine deficiency on the human body

Lack of iodine in the body provokes a whole range of pathological disorders. Their main symptom is endemic goiter, which serves as a kind of indicator of chronic iodine deficiency. The degree of manifestation of symptoms of iodine deficiency is affected by the severity of the disease and age, for example:

Fetus. If an insufficient amount of a microelement enters the body of a future mother, this is fraught with miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. A child born with hypothyroidism may suffer from congenital pathologies, neurological cretinism (strabismus, deafness, mental retardation), myxedematous cretinism (dwarfism, mental retardation), psychomotor disorders. As you can see, at a time when the foundation of human life is just being laid, iodine deficiency plays a crucial role in terms of mental development, and subsequently the IQ level of the individual.

Newborn. As a rule, in children of the first months of life, neonatal hypothyroidism is diagnosed - an endocrinological disease manifested by insufficient production of thyroid hormones.

Children and teenagers. With iodine deficiency in childhood, there may be delays in physical and intellectual development. Especially carefully control the level of iodine should be in schoolchildren. Its fall by 8-44% provokes a decrease in cognitive functions, which are very important at this age. Such children cannot master the curriculum, lag behind their peers in development, and have a low level of IQ. But iodine is necessary not only for the mind. Scientists have proven that it is also responsible for the transitional age, and its deficiency negatively affects sexual and physical maturation. They are physically weak and often get sick due to a suppressed immune system.

Adults. In adulthood, iodine deficiency manifests itself in the form of goiter and its complications. In patients of all ages with a lack of an element in the body, goiter, hypothyroidism, high sensitivity of the thyroid gland, impaired cognitive functions - poor memory, low mental performance compared to the initial level (individual norm) and, as a result, a low level of IQ.

Iodine deficiency in adulthood:

- worsens reproductive health;

- leads to emotional disorders;

- provokes neurological disorders and mental disorders;

-causes drowsiness and a feeling of chronic fatigue;

- slows down the immune response to infection.

In regions with a high prevalence of iodine deficiency, there is a decrease in the intellectual potential among the population. It has been established that the IQ level of people living in such areas is 15-20% lower.

The medical, social and economic significance of iodine deficiency lies in the significant loss of the intellectual, educational and professional potential of the nation, therefore the problem of reducing iodine deficiency is of paramount importance for the population of any country.

Recommended iodine intake

In 2001, scientists revised the recommended daily intake of iodine. Several methods have been used to calculate these rates, including measuring the absorption of the mineral by the thyroid gland in people with normal thyroid function. Nearly identical recommendations have been made by several global organizations, including the American Thyroid Organization, the World Health Organization, the Global Iodine Network, and the United Nations Children's Fund.

Recommended Iodine Dose (RDA)


In some countries, such as Japan, the daily intake of iodine can be as high as 20 mg/day (20,000 micrograms) due to frequent consumption of seaweed and seafood. In Australia, up to 2000 micrograms of iodine per day for adults and up to 1000 micrograms for children are considered safe.

Proper nutrition as prevention of iodine deficiency

In order for the thyroid gland and other organs to function normally, adults and children should regularly eat foods containing iodine. To prevent iodine deficiency, it is enough to constantly include foods enriched with iodine in your diet.

The first place among them is occupied by iodized salt, which includes potassium iodide. It is enough to consume 5-6 grams of such iodized salt with food every day. But iodine is easily volatilized, so this product requires careful storage and use. It should be remembered that the shelf life of such salt usually does not exceed three months. In the product in which the specified period has expired, iodine is no longer present. At the same time, iodized salt should be packed in an opaque plastic bag or foil. It should be stored in a tightly closed vessel, and food should be salted after cooking, because iodine quickly evaporates at high temperatures, or cook food unsalted, and only then, on a plate, salt to taste.

Not surprisingly, water is also a rich source of iodine. One liter of drinking water contains up to 15 micrograms of such a substance. Sea water has large reserves of iodine, and therefore its inhabitants accumulate it in their bodies.

A large number of foods rich in iodine are supplied by the sea. Mussels, shrimps, crabs, squids, oysters and scallops are not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. 100 g of these delicacies contain from 300 to 100 micrograms of iodine, but, unfortunately, not everyone can replenish iodine reserves in this way. The predominant position among products with a high content of iodine is occupied by brown seaweeds - kelp. It has been proven that 100 g of this product contains 300 micrograms of iodine. Two tablespoons of these seaweeds daily will compensate the body for the deficiency of such an essential trace element. In addition to kelp, sea fish is also rich in iodine (from 190 to 50 mcg). Hake, haddock, pollock, tuna, cod, capelin, pink salmon, perch and flounder contain from 160 to 50 micrograms of this trace element. By eating 150 g of hake for lunch, you will fill the daily need for iodine. For comparison, river fish after heat treatment contains only 5-10 micrograms of iodine. Among sea delicacies (oysters, shrimp, scallops and others), in terms of the amount of iodine contained, squids are in the first place - up to 300 mcg per 100 g of the product.

Iodine is also found in such familiar foods that we include in our diet every day, these are eggs, milk, butter, beef and pork, bread, cereals. By using them, we get the right amount of iodine. So, among dairy products, 16 micrograms of iodine is contained in milk, and millet groats (4 micrograms of iodine) are in the lead among cereals. Small amounts of iodine are found in fruits and vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, garlic, onions, persimmons, bananas, oranges and strawberries.

To preserve iodine in foods, you need to cook them properly. Do not forget that sea fish should be boiled, not fried, but ordinary cabbage and radish, on the contrary, wash out the already small amount of iodine from the body.

In order for the body to absorb iodine, first of all, the gastrointestinal tract must be healthy. Colitis, gastritis, duodenitis and other similar diseases impair absorption in the intestine. If these diseases are not treated, no matter how much a person consumes iodine-rich foods, the desired result cannot be achieved.

As you can see, a person needs iodine from the moment of conception and throughout life, and its deficiency in the body leads to serious illnesses, affects the general physical condition and the IQ level of a person at different periods of life.

Be attentive to your body, eat foods enriched with iodine, think about the future of your children and the quality of their life today! Everyone be healthy!

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