10 Tips for Heathy and Successful Girl in 2023

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№ 1

The right start of the day is the first step to success. Setting yourself up for a successful day may seem like a small thing, but it's so important! After all, life is made up of small things. Determine for yourself what time you need to start waking up to have time to eat breakfast, get ready, plan your day, pack lunch, etc. Hold yourself accountable to that time every day.

№ 2

When we cook at home, we have control of what we are putting into our body and how much.  When we make our food at home,we use olive oil instead of inflammatory oils, we use ingredients without hidden added sugars, we use fresh unprocessed ingredients, and we also gain a greater appreciation for the food we prepare. Cooking can be so fun, therapeutic and healing.

№ 3

Instead of focusing on the foods you need to eliminate from your diet, focus on adding more foods that will naturally displace the foods you want to consume less of. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and fiber while being low in calories, so you get more value when you eat them. They also add flavor and volume to meals, helping you feel satisfied.

№ 4

It takes about 15 minutes for our stomach to signal that it is full. Therefore, it is important to eat slowly during meals to recognize when you are satisfied rather than overly stuffed. This year, focus on being present with your food by eating without distractions, taking breaks from your desk, taking a breath between bites, and savoring each bite of food.

№ 5

Learn to recognize the moment of satiety with food. The goal with portion control is eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are satisfied (80% full). This will help you achieve a caloric deficit without obsessing over counting, tracking, or strict restrictions. Focus on nourishing your body with adequate amounts of food, incorporating gentle exercise, practicing mindful eating, and letting go of extreme restriction. By making these small changes, you can improve your overall health and well-being.

№ 6

Try to structure your daily schedule to get 8-9 hours of sleep at night. Quality sleep has a positive impact on the body as a whole, restores it, and helps the brain remember new information. While we sleep, our brain analyzes new memories, connects and compares them to old ones. This helps us solve complex problems during the day. Sleep is also a kind of free therapy that allows us to process emotional impressions. That is why insomnia is often accompanied by mental disorders.

№ 7

Do you constantly prioritize the needs of others over your own? A sense of hyperresponsibility can lead you away from productivity to the opposite direction. Remember that you are 10 times better at serving others when you prioritize your own well-being. Make time for yourself in the morning to exercise, meditate, journal, or have a nourishing breakfast. Alternatively, set clear boundaries with the people in your life to create more time for your health. Take care of yourself first so that you can better take care of those around you.

№ 8 Choose days in your calendar to regularly declutter and organize your things: clean your phone and computer files, sort through your wardrobe, get rid of unnecessary and broken items. Digital and visual clutter can distract you from what's important. The ability to prioritize is, first and foremost, the ability to say no to what is not necessary.

№ 9

Be kinder to yourself and more mindful. Remember that success is achieved through small steps, sometimes through trials and errors, so that not everything has to be perfect. Rigidity is the enemy of consistency. We need to have flexibility in our routines to stay consistent and make progress. Instead of giving up when you don't achieve perfection every week, try doing what you can do with what you have every day. This means skipping a day to recharge for the next one, and that's normal. Progress is far more important than perfection.

№ 10 Show love and care for yourself. Not someday when you change your shapes and weight, but right here and now. It is more than possible to love yourself where you are and still want more for yourself. In fact, it is essential for reaching  your goals. Celebrate even your smallest wins every day, and it will become a driving force for even greater results, it will take you forward even faster. This year, dedicate yourself to more self-love.

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