How to remove cellulite?

Most doctors agree that cellulite should be attributed to secondary sexual characteristics and its appearance in women is due to the hormone estrogen. In other words, having cellulite is natural, but 90% of women are unhappy with this aesthetic manifestation.
Men are less prone to the manifestations of cellulite due to the structure of adipose tissue, which is different from women, since the collagen fibers in men are located crosswise relative to each other, therefore their skin is denser and fat deposits are almost invisible in the foci between the fibers. In women, collagen fibers are located perpendicular to the skin, which leads to the fact that the accumulated fat stretches the skin thinner and more elastic than in men, easily stretched for the accumulation of nutrients, such as during pregnancy.
What causes the appearance of cellulite?
According to the WHO classification, cellulite is an inflammation of the subcutaneous fat, which has a specific structure, and is characterized by the deposition of subcutaneous fat and manifests itself as skin irregularities. Therefore, cellulite is formed when fat cells press against the connective tissue and cause irregularities in it.
The causes of the "orange peel" include many factors:
- overweight;
- decreased activity, sedentary lifestyle;
- bad habits such as drinking and smoking;
- Improper diet and drinking regimen.
Methods of combating cellulite
Increase physical activity
It is impossible to go against physiology, but it is possible to minimize the likelihood of developing cellulite by following a healthy lifestyle. Losing weight is often advertised as a way to get rid of orange peel. However, fat is not the only component that affects the occurrence of cellulite, and the effectiveness of losing weight as a treatment has not been proven.
What do women do to lose weight quickly? Of course, they go to the gym to do cardio, because in society it is still believed that cardio training is created for weight loss, and strength training is designed to build muscle mass. However, studies were conducted in which 222 people took part. They were divided into 3 groups: diet; diet + running; diet + gym. As a result: the first group lost 5.5% of fat, the second - 9%, and the third - 10.1%. There is almost no difference between the runners and the “muscles”, only the runners lost fat + muscles, and the “muscles” gained and lost fat, that is, the overall fat loss was greater.
249 people participated in a similar experiment. Some of them followed a diet, another ran + diet, another group was engaged in strength exercises. As a result: diet-loss of 4.8 fat and 1 kg of muscle, running + diet - 6.8 kg of fat and 1.6 kg of muscle, strength exercises - 7.8 kg of fat and only 0.8 kg m. It was also investigated how the weight changed after cardio training, strength and cardio + strength after 3 years. All groups lost 7-8kg after training, but after three years, the aerobics group regained all their lost kg with +, and the strength group left in the red in terms of weight.

These experiments show that losing weight only with the help of cardio is not the right approach. Imagine an inflated balloon and a deflated one. This is the difference between losing weight with cardio and strength training. It has been proven that muscles that are regularly exposed to stress release myokines, which affect the brain, liver, pancreas, intestines, reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, accelerate fat burning and the formation of brown fat (the fat that ensures faster weight loss). In addition, myokines affect bones and stimulate the formation of osteoblasts, which in turn synthesize collagen fibrils. That is, if you want to lose weight without sagging skin, and get rid of cellulite due to more elastic skin, then strength training combined with walking up to 10 thousand steps a day, for example, is the perfect recipe for you.
Proper nutrition
The role of diet in the treatment of cellulite has not been proven. However, nutritionists recommend eating a balanced diet. It is recommended to reduce or abandon products that retain water in the body. Also reduce the consumption of salt, sugar, confectionery, fast food, smoked meats. The basis of nutrition should be fresh vegetables and fruits, greens and high-quality protein foods. From fats, preference should be given to vegetable fats. And in order to get rid of toxins, it is important to drink the right amount of water.
Other methods to combat cellulite:
A variety of cosmetic products that can improve collagen production and reduce skin flabbiness, but you should not expect effectiveness in getting rid of cellulite.
Manual manipulations are considered effective, that is, a variety of anti-cellulite massages. They help remove excess fluid and affect fat cells, making the skin smoother. Also, cosmetologists advise lymphatic drainage and vacuum-roller massage. They improve blood circulation and speed up fat metabolism. Also, LPG is an FDA-approved massage that is quite effective in the fight against cellulite.
Right lifestyle
For the sake of a beautiful and healthy body, it is important to get rid of bad habits such as drinking and smoking. Alcohol dehydrates, forms wrinkles, depletes the skin, not to mention the condition of such internal organs as the liver, pancreas, and brain. Smoking destroys blood vessels, reduces blood flow, forms hypoxia and inflammation. It should also be remembered that an excess of calories and inactivity form inflammation due to fat on the internal organs. Of great importance for the state of the body is also a healthy full-fledged sleep, rest, and avoiding stress and the ability to overcome them will also have a positive effect on your body and health.
Experts recommend an integrated approach to combat cellulite, which is based on physical activity, proper nutrition and lifestyle, and additional methods are massage and cosmetic products. But unfortunately it is impossible to get rid of cellulite completely and forever. And yet, on a toned athletic body, cellulite will be almost invisible.