
8 Ways to Reuse Your Coffee Grounds

Most of the waste from coffee is usually thrown away by people, but the coffee grounds can be reused. We talked about the options for the" second life " of coffee grounds.


Walking vs. Running: Which is Better for Your Health?

Walking and running are the most natural ways to maintain health. Each of these processes involves up to 90% of the body's muscles. What are the advantages and disadvantages of walking and running?


Can You Drink Distilled Water?

How does distilled water differ from drinking water, why is it needed and can it be used instead of regular water?


Ways to Boost Human Growth Hormone Naturally

Growth hormone stimulates the growth of almost all body tissues, including bone and muscle, burns fat, regulates the amount of water in the body and slows down the aging process.

Best Ways to Lose Weight After 50

Best Ways to Lose Weight After 50

In this article, we will look at 20 ways to safely lose weight and maintain a moderate weight for those who have crossed the 50-year mark.

Adrenaline Addiction

Adrenaline Addiction: What Does it Mean and Who is at Risk?

Are you a daredevil or adrenaline junkie? Find out why your adrenaline addiction could be dangerous.


How to Break Up with Your Bad Habits

Breaking bad habits can take 21 days. Really? Why is it so hard to break a bad habit. Breaking bad habits isn't about stopping, but substituting.

9 Ways to Wake Up in a Better Mood

9 Ways to Wake Up in a Better Mood

Tips to make waking up easier (especially when you're not a morning person)


COVID-19 and the heart: What have we learned?

What have we learned about heart disease and COVID-19 in that time?

How to Form a New Habit

How to Form a New Habit

Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits. Why is it so difficult to adopt new habits? How to Form a New Habit in 7 Simple Steps

Unintentional Weight Gain

Unintentional Weight Gain: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Medical reasons that could explain why you're putting on weight


Stretching Routine: Full-Body Stretching Exercises

Stretching exercises: A beginner's guide. Supple strength is the name of the game with this guide to stretching exercises.

Best romantic movies

Best romantic movies

The most cute, cozy and even serious movies that will show love as it is.

February 14

How to spend Valentine's Day: ideas for romance and recipes

How to spend the most romantic day of the year? Where to go with your significant other and what to prepare for a romantic table?

How to pump your abs at home

How to dry your muscles

Weight Loss and Diet Plans

What diet to choose for weight loss

What diet to choose for weight loss

Think about how to lose weight quickly? You should to know how fat is burned. We will give you some tips why popular diets don't work and what do you need to do to lose weight quickly.


Peeling Skin: Symptoms, Signs, Causes & Treatment

Why the skin flakes off and how to stop it. Causes of peeling of the skin on the face, hands, body, head. The consequences of severe peeling of the skin. How to avoid flaky skin on the face

How to lose weight quickly at home

How to lose weight quickly at home

How to quickly lose weight in a week at home? What diet should I choose? Weight loss on proper nutrition.

Elina Fedorova

Вимоги до фото для участі в Марафоні Wispence

Чтобы максимально честно определить ТОП-3 результата и в соответствие с этим распределить призы, мы просим всех участников Wispence-марафона соблюдать наши Требования к фото.

Elina Fedorova

FAQ Марафон Challenge

Answers to FAQ


How to take part in the Wispence challenge in the most effective way.

Reaching the desired result is always a combination of several factors. In this article we'll share some simple tips on how to get good results in just 50 days on Wispence.

New Year's tree

What Movies to Watch During New Year Holidays?

Lie down on the sofa, cover yourself with a warm blanket and choose movies from our new year's list "to watch"


National peanut day

In USA on September 13 celebrates National Peanut Day.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

Celebrities who choose Pilates

Pilates has gained huge popularity not only among ordinary people, but also among the stars.

Banana smoothie

The whole truth about smoothies

Like any product, a smoothie has pros and cons that you need to know about.

Slicing vegetables

How to give up junk food

Not only the appearance, but also the physical and mental state depends on nutrition.

The girl in the bed

How to Start Your Day Right

For some reason we often neglect to create a healthy start to the day treating mornings like it’s just a transition into a more meaningful time period. Start the day on the right foot!

 A girl doing yoga on the beach

How to stay healthy with a sedentary lifestyle

Office work is the most popular type of employment on the planet.

Girl with the abs

How to love sports: a manual for supporters "start from Monday"

Today, around the sport, the hype is constantly growing.


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