
TOP-9 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation

Scientists attribute the positive effect of meditation to the neuroplasticity of the brain. What new discoveries in the study of meditation have scientists discovered over the past few years?


How Can Massage Help My Health and Wellbeing

Massage is not only a way to relax and distract yourself. During the session, a huge amount of work takes place in the body, which has a positive effect on the physical and mental state of a person.


What Causes Excessive Sweating?

Sweating is a healthy natural process, but increased sweating is not always necessary for our body. What are the main causes of increased sweating and how can this problem be solved?


Knee pain from squatting

During squats, a person should not experience discomfort and pain. However, knee pain when squatting is one of the most common problems. How to prevent knee pain and how to cope with the disease?


Body fat percentage chart

How to calculate BMI and what percentage of fat is optimal for different ages?


The Effects of Stress on Cognitive Aging

It's always been assumed that stress is something bad. It is interesting to know how those who do not experience stress at all live. Are they the healthiest people on the planet?


How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain

Back discomfort can occur for a variety of reasons. Find out in which sleep positions lower back pain will not disturb your rest.


Creative therapy: Types, benefits, and more

Creative therapy is a form of therapy that involves a person receiving treatment through art-based activities.

Back pain: causes, symptoms, and treatment

Back pain: causes, symptoms, and treatment

Lower back pain can be caused by problems with the spinal muscles, nerves, bones, discs or tendons. Learn about the main causes and treatment options.

Remote Work and Sleep

Remote Work and Sleep

Sleep complications can be caused by working in your bedroom. It can turn your brain away from thoughts of sleep when it’s bedtime.

What Happens When You Sleep

Why Sleep and Recovery Is So Important: The Science of Sleep

Getting enough sleep is even more critical to your health than following a strict diet. While you're asleep, your body is hard at work, restoring energy, repairing cells and so on

A person sleeps in a bed with a dog

How to wake up early without an alarm clock

Getting up early without an alarm clock is easy. You just need to know the strategy.

Girl in bed and alarm clock

What Is Defficiency and How Much Sleep It Is Dangerous

More than 30% of life goes in a dream.


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